The ultimately fatal consequences of what happens when the world of man-made machinery meets animals from the natural world is represented here by the deterioration of the animal’s skull the closer that it gets to the edge of the electrical cord.
Illustrated to be wrapped around the skull, and bleeding off the boundary is a hint of significance regarding the lessons to be learned from the worlds colliding. When looking at the image starting from the left and going to the right, the illustration begins to lose its feel of “life” in a sense. It loses detail and meaning the further you travel along the piece.
From top to bottom, an increasingly bigger gap between the borders of where machinery meets nature is seen as you scan the illustration further down the cord, implying the same message that the unintentional consequences of letting the two worlds collide could mean a furthermore literal separation of man versus nature.
Price | $60.00 |
Dimensions | 18 x 24 x 0 H x W x D (in) |
Creation Date | March 2022 |
Subject Nature |
Style Modern |
Medium Pencil/Colored Pencil |
Substrate Paper |
Framed Signed Hang Ready | |